Our Training:
week-long training
Building relationships and accountability
One on One time with God (personal devotions)
Cabin group devotionals/discussions
Praise & Worship
Curriculum training binder
Large group training sessions
Small group training sessions
Scripture memory
Dare to be bold:
Evangelism Training
We will help the students become confident in sharing the life changing message of Jesus Christ with their friends and families. According to a survey by the Barna research group, 95% of all who claim to be born again never lead even one other person to Jesus Christ!
We focus on these key areas of evangelism:
sharing the gospel by how we live our lives every day
building personal relationships
memorizing Scripture
learning to share the gospel and invite others to receive Christ
learning how to lead others in the prayer of salvation
Defend Your Faith:
Discipleship Training
This training grounds students in the truths of the Bible and what it means to be Christian. We ask the questions: "Do you really know what you say you believe? " We prove to students beyond a shadow of any doubt the validity and authenticity of the Bible using the legal historical method of proof. This is the same method that is used worldwide to prove the authenticity of historical figures or events.
During discipleship training, we focus on these key facts:
The Bible really is the Holy and Inspired Word of God.
Jesus Christ really did live on this earth, die on a Cross, and rise from the dead.
Jesus Christ really is whom He claimed to be - The Son of God.
Christianity is the most intelligent Faith on earth.
step up or shut up:
leadership Training
Teaching students basic life skills
Work Ethic
By the end of the week, students will have practiced respecting and honoring their peers and sponsors and will be ready to apply these skills in leadership positions in the future.
We focus on three very important things: