Pastors and Parents:
Camp Table Rock Safety Statement
There is no question that Camp Table Rock places camper safety as a top priority in all we do. While camp is full of fun activities that obviously come with some risk, it is our commitment that we conduct these activities with the highest reasonable safety standards possible. Every staff member employed by Camp Table Rock is screened with an extensive background check and is trained annually in first aid, CPR, and AED as well as in all of our water safety and boat safety procedures. We know that getting bumps and bruises is pretty much a normal part of an active child’s life, but it is the desire of Camp Table Rock to provide activities that students find fun, and yet, are safe. It is our desire to protect every student who attends Camp Table Rock from any type of injury whether it is physical or emotional. If you would like more information please feel free to contact our director, Rick Pearson, at rick@camptablerock.com or at 816-262-6011.
The following sections are rules given to the students for specific activities:
All swimmers must have a floatation device. Life jackets and fun noodles are provided.
Swimmers are not allowed to swim under the dock. Along with that, no swimming is allowed in or around the dock slips.
Anyone in a kayak or the paddleboat must WEAR A LIFE JACKET AT ALL TIMES.
Kayaks and paddleboat must stay in the cove and not paddle through the primary swimming area to stay away from swimmers.
Kayaks and paddleboat must stay away from all other boats.
Do not run the equipment up on the shore.
A maximum of two people may ride in the yellow kayaks.
A maximum of three people may ride in the paddleboat.
All kayaks and paddleboat will be called in before the power boats arrive and must stay in until the power boats leave.
EVERYONE going to the cliffs must wear a life jacket from the moment they get on their cliff jumping boat until they set foot back on the dock. NO EXCEPTIONS
Cliff jumpers must jump feet first and NOT flip or dive off the cliff.
Jumpers should not run and jump because they might slip and fall. Simply stand near the edge and jump off.
Jump from exactly where the CTR staff member shows you is safe.
Jumpers are encouraged to wear shoes/sandals at the cliff.
Jumpers need to enter the water straight, with arms and legs together.
Jumpers are encouraged to take sunscreen and lip protection with them.
The following sections are rules given to the students for specific activities:
Welcome to Camp Table Rock! We’re so glad you’re here!
There are guidelines that will help you enjoy your time here and will help us preserve CTR for many others to enjoy. We have a NO TOLERANCE policy.
Please do not remove the mattress covers from your beds.
Keep your thermostat between 70-72 degrees. Keep your windows and doors closed. Only sponsors adjust the temp.
Do not remove the screens from your windows. The windows are for a fire escape only.
Fire extinguishers are under the sink in the front room of your cabin.
Please do not carve and/or write on any wood around the campground (cabins, bunk beds, picnic tables, etc.).
You can get more toilet paper at the Snak Shak. There is a plunger in your cabin hall closet.
If something breaks, please let us know immediately! We will help you fix it and prevent more damage.
NO PRANKS! No shaving cream, silly string, fire extinguishers, etc.
No guys in the girls cabins and visa versa! Do not go past the road in front of the cabins on the opposite genders’ side. You are allowed on cabin porches during small group time only if your small group adult leader is with you.
No one is allowed on the upper deck of the staff cabins or the office building.
No water guns or water balloons.
Please put trash in the trash cans.
Do not pick up any snakes, spiders, scorpions, or other unknown bugs.
Do not go frolicking through the woods.
Do NOT hang on the basketball goal rims.
Do not go anywhere near the septic plant, past boys cabin 5.
Please do not sit on, set stuff on, move, etc., the four altars around the stage.
Treat equipment (lights, games, etc.) with respect. You break it, you buy it. And, do not set drinks on the game tables.
Do not go into the sound booth, Snak Shak, kitchen, or onto the stage.
Do not play catch in the Chapel or on the deck because the TV, lights, and other equipment could be damaged.
Skate boards are not allowed anywhere on the CTR campus.
Keep the doors to the Chapel hallway closed, we want to keep the kitchen cool.
Do not move the chairs around in the Chapel.
Do not leave your notebooks around the camp or under your chairs. They all look alike so WRITE YOUR NAME ON IT NOW!
No one is allowed on the dock without CTR staff. If it is NOT open lake hours, do not go past the amphitheater cross.
All swimmers must always have a floatation device with them in the water.
Please return fun noodles to their bin and snap life jackets onto the dock rails so they don’t fall in the lake.
Do not climb in or on any boats or wave runners until your driver tells you it’s ok.
Remove any piercings before you do any boating activities.
No cell phones, iPods, iPads, MP3 players, computers, CD players, TV’s, alarm clocks with radios, etc., allowed!
Treat each other with respect. We don’t tolerate rude or disrespectful attitudes toward anyone at Camp Table Rock.
At the Snak Shak, you can buy soda, candy, snack, apparel, and more! The Snak Shak is our on campus fundraiser.
As a respectful gesture to our neighbors, THERE CAN BE NO MUSIC OR LOUD NOISE AFTER 10:00 PM. EVER!